
The ADC reading is noisy

The ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter) reading is noisy

Issue: ADC readings fluctuate widely, resulting in inaccurate data. Apply appropriate analog filtering (low-pass filters) to the input signals to reduce noise. Implement oversampling and averaging techniques in firmware to improve signal quality. Verify that the reference voltage in the ADC is stable and free of noise. Isolate analog and digital grounds so that digital noise does not affect analog signals.   Home Page | Youtube  

Invalid or backwards firmware

Invalid or backwards firmware Problem Solution

Problem: Showing Invalid or backwards firmware or Firmware fails to work or shows lag while running, affecting real-time performance Optimize the code to reduce computational load, focusing on critical blocks and interrupt service routines (ISRs). Provide critical work resources for time-sensitive performance in a real-time operating system (RTOS). Limit the use of blocked calls or use non-blocking channels where possible. Profile the code to identify and fix performance bottlenecks.   Home Page | Youtube  

Flash Memory Corruption

Corrupt flash memory Technical Problem Solution

Problem: The embedded system experiences Corrupt flash memory, resulting in unexpected behavior or data loss.   Use retention leveling to distribute write/erase cycles evenly in memory. Use error correction code (ECC) to find and correct bit errors in flash memory. Ensure that power loss on write operations is handled nicely, either with a backup power source or by writing sensitive data in a secure manner Check the health of flash memory and replace it before it reaches the end of its life.   Home Page | Youtube    

Incompatible connection on UART/SPI/I2C Technical Problem

Incompatible connection on UART/SPI/I2C Technical Problem

Problem: Incompatible connection on UART/SPI/I2C or Data transfer via UART, SPI, or I2C is unreliable, with occasional data loss or corruption. Make sure to configure proper clock settings and work between devices, especially over SPI and I2C. Check for signal integrity problems such as reflections or crosstalk, by using termination resistors or appropriate shielding. Ensure that the baud rate, parity, stop bit, and other communication settings are consistent between the transmitting and receiving devices. Use error checking techniques such as checksums or CRCs to detect and correct corrupted data.   Home Page | Youtube  

Reset microcontroller randomly

Reset microcontroller randomly Technical Problem

The Reset microcontroller randomly , interrupting normal system operation.   If Reset microcontroller randomly Check the stability of the power supply and ensure that the appropriate decoupling capacitors are installed near the power pin of the microcontroller. Ensure that the watchdog timer is properly set to prevent an inadvertent reset. Check the reset line for noise or errors, which may be caused by external electromagnetic interference (EMI). Monitor stack and heap usage to ensure that the reason for the reset is not memory corruption. Home Page | Youtube  

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